Sunday, October 30, 2011

Carving Pumpkins is too messy!

While I love pumpkin seeds as much as the next person, I get enough seeds from my Sugar Pumpkins I use for pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread.  So last year (didn't have time for pumpkins this year) I decided that I wanted to do something different with my pumpkin!  So here's something you could try either next Halloween or a gourd for Christmas!

When I made this, I was pretty much winging it, but I think it looks really unique and unlike any pumpkin you'll find.  How did I make it?  Well, first you need spray paint and a printed image of what you want! I went with a skull since my spray paint collection isn't as large as I'd like!

I spray painted the entire pumpkin in the silver (you are welcome to change the colors and image) and let dry.  I cut out the skull and held on to the paper that it was cut from!  SAVE THAT SCRAP PAPER!  Next, tape (masking or blue tape) the scrap paper that has the outline of the skull to the pumpkin, making sure the outline is as flat to the pumpkin as possible.

Spray paint within the shaped cutout carefully so there isn't too much extra sneaking behind the paper.  Let dry, take off the paper and you're almost done!  The tape will take some of the silver paint off, so some orange will show through, but it's okay!

Take a sharpie and define the outline and the details within!

What are some other creative ways you've decorated pumpkins without carving??

Monday, October 24, 2011


I think it's fairly obvious that I love color!  In all my designs, I love to add a pop of color, something unexpected.  The pop of color doesn't only apply to the room!  It's exciting in furniture as well!!

 LOVE this vanity!  There are so many pieces like this out there and I want one!  What's nice about these furniture pieces that have pop, the color can coordinate or not!  You can really add some personal touches with these pops with either the brightest color possible, a color that brings you good memories, your favorite color, etc.

 The under stair storage is already unique like this, but with the color inside, kind of makes you jump back! :)
What color would you like to see when you open a desk or a drawer???!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Always Accessorize!

Walls painted - Check. Flooring style finalized - Check. Furniture and fabric verified - Check. Accessories - Ummmmm.

Accessories can strengthen your design or become the focal point if they are that zap of color. Here's some fun accessories I found!

LOVE the suitcase decor!

These would work in a bunch or scattered throughout the room, but I'm more partial to the grouping.

Vases, pitchers, decorative glasses, flowers, frames, mirrors, dishes, lamps, and wall pieces can bring together an eclectic room or add some spice to a neutral design.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Traditional vs. Modern

So I received a phone call for an interview and was obviously ecstatic! I looked up the design company and was surprised to see that they are more of a traditional interior design firm than modern design.

It got me to thinking, oh yeah. . . there's more to design than modern and contemporary! And then I got REALLY excited, and a sense of calm (definitely could have been the coziness of their portfolio with traditional design). My whole college career, I feel like I've been the only one who wasn't sure where I wanted to be in the design industry.

Modern, contemporary, a showroom, architecture, designer, commercial, residential, office manager. . . will I ever get in the industry?

I just want to design. I want to be part of a designed interior. I want to be part of a design team. I don't care where, the style, the form of design. Any firm that I am a part of, I will be dedicated and let that design envelop my whole life.

It's funny how getting one phone call can get you to make sense of your thoughts, dreams, and what future you want. And, yes, I realize how cheesy and sucking-up that sounds, but it's true!! I just want to design!

Modern design will eventually get boring! Traditional is homey, inviting, cozy, classic, and just as gorgeous as modern. I don't care the style of the room, patterns and color will still make me more excited than I should be, my mouth will still water over a gorgeous wooden table where it looks like you could cut through it with a butter knife, and I will still need to feel and touch EVERYTHING!

ANYWAYS, on to the images! Enjoy these traditional designs and those scrumptious curves!

Here's a comparison between a traditional kitchen and a modern kitchen
The detail in traditional designs is more than stainless steel and chrome. There's tassels, the colored nail heads, the details on the legs, mouldings. . .

And it doesn't have to be stuffy!! There are still clean lines in this dining room, but still has the inviting comfort.

Traditional doesn't have to be stuffy, the firm I'm interviewing for is still into clean lines. Their designs are really amazing and comforting.

Wish me luck!!